Romania - April 2016

Hello, my Friends!

As I write to you, I am here in Romania.  I am so thankful that my adult kids help my wife while I'm away. I am so blessed to have my family. Penny, I love you.

I have connected with my Missionary friend Doug Droll.  We have been on the run and he isn't feeling well so please pray for him. Yesterday we went and worked in a small village about 20 minutes outside of Craiova.  Doug's church held an outreach in the village hoping to start a church there in Aboga.  It was exciting to talk to visitors as they watched dramas, heard the Gospel presented and then watched the Jesus movie. I will spend some time with Doug's Pastor while here. It is my seventh trip to Romania and I have connected with many pastors here over the years teaching discipleship. I am here primarily to encourage missionary Doug as he makes disciples in this hard environment of Eastern Europe. 

A young man I met & talked to about the importance of being a disciple/discipler

A young man I met & talked to about the importance of being a disciple/discipler

On each of these trips I continue to be amazed at the vital importance of the journey as well as the destination. Just like our walk with God!  En route, I had some great conversations with travelers regarding my profession. This was true especially with two men on separate planes explaining what I do and what the Gospel means. One man, originally from London, began by telling me how looped he would get at all the pubs there and invited me along.  After telling me all that he then asked me what I did and why I was headed there. When I told him he acted ashamed and embarrassed and said, "Maybe next time you should lead with that!”  I laughed and we had a great conversation.  He had been married to a Jew and shared some thoughts about the Old Testament and talked about the Passover lamb.  I told Him that Jesus is the total Revelation of the Old Testament and that He was crucified as during Passover as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! He shared that he didn't even know if God exists and so I responded, "And that is why with all the seats on this plane, I am sitting here. He sent me to tell you that He does." 

Pastor Mitel, who I have encouraged in discipleship and will again

Pastor Mitel, who I have encouraged in discipleship and will again

A few more days in Romania and then I will meet up with Don Harms to head for France, Scotland and England.

If you feel God tugging on your heart to give, I could use help with my trip expenses.  He always provides through friends like you! For giving opportunities and to subscribe for ministry updates, please visit my new website at

Please pray that I am used to encourage His servants and to share His amazing grace.

So Grateful, 
